The News

Child Obesity in Guerrero

60117229. Reynosa, Tamps., 17 Ene. 2016 (Notimex-Especial).- Con la incorporación de la Universidad de Seguridad y Justicia al Consejo Estatal de Nutrición, Tamaulipas se consolidó como el estado en que más instituciones y organismos sociales promueven el combate contra la obesidad y el sobrepeso, mediante diversas estrategias. NOTIMEX/FOTO/ESPECIAL/COR/HUM/

By Adriana Covarrubias

Acapulco, Mexico – Child obesity in Guerrero has increased to 5.1 percent in children under five years old, said the state Secretary of Health, Carlos de la Peña Pintos.

In an interview, he explained that in Guerrero there are 343,899 children under five with obesity or overweight.

De la Peña Pintos said that according to the Health Information System, 5.1 percent of children in Guerrero are obese or overweight and 7.2 percent are malnourished.

The percent of adolescents in urban areas of Guerrero has gone from 26.1 percent in 2006 to 34.1 percent in 2012.

The secretary said that when more sugar and calories are consumed than the amount burned, they turn into fat and this can harm a child’s health.

He recommended that children avoid ingesting excessive amount of bread and sweets.

In 2012, obesity was high among men.

De la Peña Pintos added that it is important to develop prevention strategies and to promote health for children, young people and adults.