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Automobile Industry Wants to Participate in Pollution Policy Discussions

MEXDF23ABR2001: En las plantas ensambladoras de Chrysler de México, se invertiran más de $ 300 millones de dólares, para incrementar la producción, a su vez, se despediarán a 1200 trabajadores debido a la reseción que sufre la economía estadounidense. FOTO: CURTOSCURO.COM

Mexico’s automotive industry wants to open a permanent dialogue with local and federal governments of the Mexico City metropolitan area to create regulations for the new Hoy No Circula system that will go into effect on July 1.

President Eduardo Solís of the Mexican Automotive Manufacturing Association (AMIA) and general director Guillermo Rosales of the Mexican Automobile Distribution Association (AMDA) said that public policies to renovate the vehicular fleet in the metropolitan area are necessary.

“I think that the solution is in large vehicles, such as freight vehicles and public transportation,” said Solís. “The integral solution is renovating the vehicles that circulate in the Valley of Mexico.”

He added that policies requiring vehicles to take emissions tests have a positive effect in encouraging people to renovate their vehicles.

Solís hopes that the governments and auto makers and dealers will consider new technologies, especially for emissions tests.

Rosales recognized that Mexico City has an air pollution problem, and said that the policies that have reduced pollution over the past two decades “have not directly included the automotive industry, but we have been part of improving internal combustion engine technology.”

However, he noted that today, factories and distributors have demonstrated that they are ready to comply with and participate in new public policy initiatives to improve air quality.