The News
Monday 10 of February 2025

Weekly Horoscopes

Today marks the closest the moon has been to earth in seventy years,photo: Cuartoscuro/Luis Carbayo
Today marks the closest the moon has been to earth in seventy years,photo: Cuartoscuro/Luis Carbayo
A Supermoon in Taurus means potential

The supermoon is in Taurus today. This is the closest the moon has been to Earth since 1948. This means beginnings but also stability. While the election shook us to our core last week, this week will bring meditation, reflection and planning. More than anything, remember to be present, to check your mind when it wanders, and to give support to those around you.


Your individualism is on fire this week. This doesn’t mean selfishness, but rather that you will find yourself in situations in which you need to express your opinion and perhaps confront conflict. Don’t hesitate and hold back, you probably know better. Which is all to say, you’ll probably find yourself at American Legion yelling at some white dude.


The moon is in your sign, which means Monday is all about you. Do you have a game plan? Are you trying to make major decisions this week? Your stubbornness makes it difficult to accept change. However, this week will give you the energy to take on whatever you want head on. You might also be struggling with language. Hesitations, pauses, apprehensions mark your speech. People may not understand your vision, but don’t force communication. Sit down in La Opera and write for yourself. 


This week is about inspiration and the muse. Be attentive to signs and awake to the change that surrounds you. Often it’s difficult for you to focus but this week you should pay attention to colorscapes; the iridescence of the Filux Light Festival has sharpened your eye and there is an entire reservoir of inspiration to ingest. On a daily basis, try to return yourself to the unhindered stage of childhood when you were receptive to all the images given to you by the universe.


This election was undoubtedly a loss. However, this week will bring you plans and steps to build a movement with your friend. However, your team may not even exist yet. Meet up with organizers in the Centro, or find students at UNAM. Wherever you go, focus on finding like-minded individuals who share your vision. 


Your response to the election was visceral, pre-verbal, and you felt fear in every inch of your body. Use this week to heal your body and mind. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.


You’ve been thinking about this for a while, but this weekend you should get out of the city. No need to go that far. However, make sure you find yourself in a place that gives you peace from all the crazy people in your life right now. Maybe Oaxaca?


This past week you were at way too many election parties to take care of your body’s needs. You’ll find that giving yourself a little extra time for a long walk or hikes through Ajusco will help clear your head and focus your energies during this time. Find a partner to go with you. 


You’re a little confused these days and very indecisive. You maybe were planning according to expectations and were blindsided by the course of events. You don’t have to have everything sorted out this week so don’t make a decision in haste. In your head you are complicating things, but these thoughts are constructive, not reductive. Do some meditation in Parque España and wait out the storm. The next few weeks will thank you.


These last few months have been an extended vacation for you. You’ve been giving your body and mind some much-needed R&R, but it seems it’s gotten out of hand. You’ve found yourself in a vicious cycle of immobility, never venturing out of Cuauhtémoc. The full moon will give you a kick start on whatever plans you’ve been toying with, so be ready for a transition.


All your preparation will amount to something electrifying this week. Creative energies will put you at center stage so get rid of all your performance anxieties. This doesn’t mean karaoke in Zona Rosa (we all know you’ve been getting tired of that), but rather a chance for you to share the work you’ve been dedicating your time to for months. Perhaps it’s a reading or maybe an exhibit of your photography work. Eyes will be on you so make sure to keep alert.


This full moon means a turn inwards. Not into yourself, but into your home. It might mean canceling some engagements, but ultimately you’ll be getting things ready for something entertaining next week, when your family visits Mexico City from Kansas.


You’ve spent a lot of time wandering neighborhoods, going from Palacio de Bellas Artes to the Leon Trotsky museum on your own. Time for relationships. This moon brings mystic unions, simultaneously a new silence and a new language. The two of you will break the boundaries between platonic and romantic, forming something that will inspire others.