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Palacio de Minería International Book Fair to Feature Fonca Creators

60222175. México, 22 Feb. 2016 (Notimex- Carlos Pereda).- Los ganadores de los Premios Literarios Tierra Joven 2016 participaron en una Mesa redonda realizada como parte de las actividades de la 37 Feria Internacional del libro del Palacio de Minería. NOTIMEX/FOTO/ CARLOS PEREDA/CPM/ACE/

As part of the presentations featured in the 37th International Book Fair at the Palacio de Minería in Mexico City, more than 25 creators of the National Fund for Culture and Arts (Fonca) will hold lectures, conferences, tributes, book presentations and round tables.

The federal Culture Secretariat announced that the fair will be attended by more than 25 artists from different disciplines, including Elena Poneiatowska, Felipe Garrido, Ignacio Solares, Margo Glantz and Paul Leduc, current Emeritus Fonca Creators.

The creators will be part of activities such as panel discussions on horror literature, lectures and readings which will offer an overview of the current trends in literature in Mexico and the world.

Writers Ana García Bergua, Alberto Chimal, Bernardo Esquinca, Daniel Lezama, Ernesto Lumbreras, Eduardo Antonio Parra, Francisco Mata Rosas, Guillermo Fadanelli and Sandra Lorenzano will participate in conferences and book presentations.