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Jorge Castañeda Presents Book

50310208. Mérida.- El analista político Jorge Castañeda, presentó su libro "Amarres Perros", dentro de las actividades del Feria Internacional de la lectura Yucatán 2015 (FILEY). NOTIMEX/FOTO/HUGO BORGES/FRE/ACE/

Former secretary Jorge G. Castañeda presented his book “Only like this: for an independent citizen agenda” Sunday. In the book he calls for a unique independence presidential candidate for 2018 and rejects figures like Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Margarita Zavala.

During the International Book Fair, which took place at the Palacio de Minería, Castañeda critiqued the patricracy.

He asked if Zavala will investigate human rights violations which occurred during her husband Felipe Calderón’s administration and if López Obrador will investigate Marcelo Ebrard for the Metro Line 12 case.

Castañeda said that the idea isn’t to eliminate all parties, but to improve them. The idea is that they be more transparent and begin to compete.

The book is 80 pages long and highlights the need for a comparison between a vision anchored in the past and political communication practices that look toward the future.

He said that a citizen agenda that focuses on impunity, corruption and human rights violations is required.