The News

High Temperatures Registered in Mexico, Volcano Situation Stable

In the next few months the country will register abnormally high temperatures, which elevate the risk of heatstroke. Luis Felipe Puente Espinosa, head of the National Coordination of Civil Protection, reminded the public that everyone should stay informed of heat-related health risks and take preventative measures.

The officer of the  said that authorities have been spreading information via infographics made by the National Center of Disaster Prevention. The series of recommendations include making plans to staying more hydrated than usual, above all for children and seniors.

In an interview, Puente Espinosa said that heatstroke is a concern for citizens in terms of using appropriate clothes, staying hydrated and not being exposed overmuch to the rays of the sun, especially in between the hours of 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.

He added that the highest temperatures will be felt in the central and southeast regions of the country. In the north, cold fronts continue to be present this week.

The official pointed to a link where the Secretary of Health has information about heatstroke, rain, climate change and other phenomenons.

Popocatépetl — not erupting, but instead being buffeted by the high velocity winds of a few weeks ago. Photo: Notimex/Jorge Arciga

On May 6, President Enrique Peña Nieto will lead implementation of hot season operations as well as rain preparations, since many rains from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean are expected due to the “La Niña” phenomenon.

In contrast, he said that it is estimated that in many areas it will stop raining, for which authorities are taking measures against possible droughts and lack of water, with a base in the National Meteorological Service protocol and actions recommended for affected locales by Civil Protection.

Puente Espinosa said that in terms of forest fires, next week the head of the Ministry of the Interior Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong will meet with the Secretary of the Environment to analyze possible methods of prevention.

He said that his office had already sent out a memo to the areas predicted to be affected that fire stop gaps be constructed in controlled burns, and to reiterate that lighting fires indiscriminately is a crime.

In respect to the Popocatépetl Volcano, Carlo Valdez, head of the National Center of Disaster Prevention said that the lava dome that has built in the last few days on the crater of the mount is of the same size as Estadio Azteca.

In this context, he added that recent explosions and emissions from the volcano have gradually reduced the dome and because of this, the volcano is considered under control and within the terms of its normal activity.

Today he said he would be doing a flyover of the crater to verify that it was stable and up until now, it has not been necessary to escalate concerns from Threat Level Two to Three, and that activity is registering at similar levels they have been seeing for the last three years.

“Regarding the activity of Popocatépetl, there have been no entry of magma in the upper chambers, so right now there’s no possibility of a large eruption. But should the scenario change, we will put out the corresponding alert,” he concluded.